! This article has been superseded since update 1.12.0 by the following:
- List privacy settings only apply to Enterprise & Team level plans. You will not have this option on a Personal plan.
- Only the List Creator can update the privacy setting of a List.
A List's privacy setting can be updated to one of the following at any time by the appropriate User:
- Private - only viewable by the User who created them.
- Internal - viewable only by the Project Users who are a part of the Plan's Organisation List
- Open - viewable by anyone on the Project including External Users - Only available to projects under an Enterprise level plan.
- Custom - choose from selected users on your project
To update your List's privacy policy:
1. From the home screen go to Your project.
2. You will now be presented with the project overview screen.
3. Go to your project lists.
4. Tap on the list you would like to update.
5. Tap the Reports & Details tab above the search bar at the top of the screen on the right-hand side.
6. Tap the List details card under the reports heading.
7. Change the privacy setting as desired.
8. To save your changes make sure to tap ✓ in the top right of your screen when you are done.
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