Most common cause of the symptom
You are not a Plan Admin. Only Plan Admins have the ability to create Projects. If you have not been added as an Admin to the Plan which you are a part of then you will not see the ability to create any Projects. If you do not have a Plan then you/your organisation will need to purchase one to start making Projects.
Our pricing system operates on a project by project basis so each new project will increase your organisation's monthly cost to use Insite. As such we only allow Plan Admins to set up new projects.
1. If you do not yet have a Plan set up then please contact us so that we can get you started.
2. If you are already a part of a Plan then please contact your Plan Admin to ask them to give you Plan Admin role.
3. If you are not part of a Plan then, but there is an existing Plan available for your organisation, please contact your Plan Admin to ask them add you to the plan and subsequently give you Plan Admin role.
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