When you add a user to a project from your organisation you can choose whether to make them a regular internal user or a Project Admin. Project Admins have the following additional permissions compared to a regular internal user:
- Ability to add project collaborators and change their roles
- Ability to manage project details and change the project photo
- Can delete any list on the project aside from private lists
They will not have permission to delete the project as that is only available to the Plan Admin.
To add users from your organisation
Users from your organisation are those users who have been added to your Insite Plan.
1. Go to the Projects page.
2. Select the project to which you wish to add users.
3. Click Add collaborators to the right of the Collaborators heading to be taken to the add collaborators page.
4. You will now see the list of users from your organisation under the From your organisation heading. This list can be filtered using the search bar located under the heading and above your first organisation user. This list does not include users who are already on the project.
Note: See add plan users to update who is a part of your organisation list.
5. Find the user which you would like to add to the project and tap the + at the end of their user card.
6. You will now be prompted to choose whether to add this user as either an Admin or as a regular internal User. Make your choice and tap Add. The user will now be added to your project with the assigned role.
Note: If you do not see any users in the list it may be because you have not yet added any users to your Plan or because all of your Plan Users are already added to the project. See add plan users to update your organisation list.
To change a user's Admin permissions
1. Go to the Projects page.
2. Select the project for which you wish to manage the users.
3. You will see the list of current project collaborators under the Collaborators heading.
4. Click on the user whose permissions you would like to change.
5. Click either Make admin or Remove admin role to change their role depending upon their existing permissions. This user's role will now be changed and the label on their user card under the Collaborators heading will have updated to reflect their new role.
Note: You can only change the permissions of Project Users who are part of your organisation. These are users who have been added to your Plan. If a user has the 'External' label then they will only ever have the permission of an external user. See Adding project collaborators from outside of your organisation.
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