You can invite Insite users to your projects from outside of your organisation. These are users who are not a part of your Insite Plan. See add plan users to update who is a part of your organisation list. You may want to do this so that your clients, consultants, or others can collaborate on certain lists on your project, for example, to create a client snag list. Don't worry, they won't be able to see all of your lists and they also have limited permissions compared to regular Internal Project Users which are:
- They are unable to create new lists.
- They can only view lists that have the privacy set to Open.
- They can add items to Open lists.
- They can create reports on Open lists.
- They can only delete items on Open lists which they have created.
See change the privacy settings of a list.
They will not have permission to delete the list as that is only available to Project Admins and the list creator.
You can add external users by either searching for them if they already have an account or by inviting them if they do not yet have an Insite account.
To search for and invite new users to your project
1. From the projects page choose the project to which you would like to add users.
2. Click Add collaborators to the right of the Collaborators heading to be taken to the add collaborators page.
3. Enter the email address of the external user who you would like to add or invite to the project in the input field under the Search and invite users heading.
Note: You can enter as many email addresses as you need to in this input field, however, please make sure to either separate them with commas or semi-colons.
4. Tap Search. You will be presented with the users to invite pop over. This pop-over will confirm the email addresses to which you will be sending invites. It will also list out any invalid email addresses, as well as any users who already exist. Click Send invite to confirm and send invites to the email addresses which you have provided. Any existing Insite users found will be added to the project.
5. The users who you invited will receive an email asking them to create an Insite account. Once they have signed up they will automatically be added to your project.
1. If there are any invalid email addresses click on the cross to close the pop-over and review the email addresses which you have entered. Make sure that they are either separated using commas or semi-colons.
2. If you cannot find someone's account firstly double-check the email address and, secondly, ask them to check that they are not in private mode.
3. If any of the email addresses are linked to existing users then they will be added to the project instantly after clicking Add & invite on the users to invite pop over.
4. You can revoke an invite at any time by visiting the project and clicking on an invited user. This will mean that they will no longer be automatically added to your project after they sign up.
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