Note: Only Project Admins and Internal users can access the project settings and therefore update or manage tags.
You can set up tags against each of your projects which can then be used to group your lists. You can assign multiple tags to each list and tags can also be assigned to list templates. By tagging your lists you can add an extra layer to the hierarchy of your project layout; e.g. without tags the structure is Project > Lists and with tags, the structure can become Project > Tags > Lists.
See also: Assign and remove list tags and Sort & group lists
To add a new tag to the project
1. From the home screen go to Your project.
2. You will now be presented with the project overview screen.
3. Tap Project settings under the locations card.
4. Go to Tags under the Manage heading. You will now be presented with any existing tags or a blank page if there aren't any set up on the project yet.
5. Tap the Blue ⊕ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You will now be presented with the new tag screen.
6. Enter a name for the tag and choose a colour from the list. Tap the ✓ in the top right of your screen when you are done.
7. Your new tag will be created. Next, see Assign and remove list tags.
To update the name and colour of a tag
1. From the home screen go to Your project.
2. You will now be presented with the project overview screen.
3. Tap Project settings under the locations card.
4. Go to Tags under the Manage heading. You will now be presented with your existing tags.
5. Tap on the tag which you wish to update. You will now be presented with the manage tag screen.
6. Update the name for the tag and choose new a colour from the list as desired. Tap the ✓ in the top right of your screen when you are done.
7. Your tag will be updated and the changes will take effect wherever the tag is used on the project.
To delete a tag
Note: This is an irreversible change and will remove the tag from wherever it is used on the project.
1. From the home screen go to Your project.
2. You will now be presented with the project overview screen.
3. Tap Project settings under the locations card.
4. Go to Tags under the Manage heading. You will now be presented with your existing tags.
5. Tap on the tag which you wish to delete. You will now be presented with the manage tag screen.
6. Tap on the Delete tag which is located under the list of colours. You will now be presented with an 'Are you sure' alert. Tap Delete to confirm and delete the tag. Your tag will be deleted and removed from wherever it was tag used on the project.
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