Add users to your projects so that you can collaborate and make the most of Insite. Work together to generate lists, assign items to your team and track the progress of rectifications.
When adding users to your project, you will be able to specify which role they are given.
There are a two roles that you can assign to your collaborators:
- Project Admin
- Internal
Project admins have more permissions on a project than Internal users. Such as the ability to manage the collaborators and the project details. For a full explanation of the permissions for each role, see User roles & permissions explained (Starter plan).
- Only Project Admins are able to add and manage collaborators. Other users can only view the collaborators.
- For instructions for Enterprise plans, see Add & invite users to your project (Enterprise plan).
- Collaboration is not available on Personal plans.
This article covers two ways to add users to your project:
- Adding & inviting users by searching for their email address
- Adding users to your project from your organisation list
1. Adding & inviting users by searching for their email address
1.1. From the home screen go to Your project.
1.2. You will now be presented with the project dashboard.
1.3. Tap the Collaborators button in the top right of the screen to view the current collaborators.
1.4. Tap the Blue ⊕ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to open the Add collaborators page.
1.5. Enter the email address/addresses of the person/people who you would like to add to the project in the box under the Search & invite users heading. Note: When entering multiple email addresses, make sure to separate them either with commas (,) or semi-colons (;).
Note: Underneath the search box, you might find a list of the users who are on your organisation list under the From your organisation heading. If you would like to add users from this list, continue with the steps noted under Adding users to your project from your organisation list below.
1.6. Tap Search.
1.7. You will now be presented with the search results. This will consist of either:
- A list of the names of existing Insite users who can be instantly added to the project, or
- A list of the email address that will be sent invitation emails containing sign up links, or
- Both of the above
Note: If you cannot find the user(s), double-check the email address(es) and ask them to check that they are not in private mode.
1.8. Next, choose the desired project role for each user and/or email address by tapping on the role options button.
1.9. Make your choice for each user and/or email address and, once you are finished, tap Add users / Add & invite / Send invites.
Note: Users who are Admins of the plan can only be added to projects with the Admin role.
2. Adding users to your project from your organisation list
Please see Manage plan members for information about your organisation list and how to populate it. To add users to your project from outside of your organisation list, see Adding & inviting users by searching for their email address above.
Note: The steps below follow on from steps 1 - 4 above.
2.5. Your organisation list will be presented under the From your organisation heading. Note: if you do not see any users listed, it may be because all of the users from your organisation list are already on the project, or that you have not yet set up your organisation list. See Manage plan members.
2.6. Select which users you would like to add to the project using the checkboxes.
2.7. Next, choose the desired project role for each selected user by tapping on their default role (you will only see this button after you have checked them!).
2.8. Make your choice for each user and, once you are finished, tap Add users.
Note: Users who are Admins of the plan can only be added to projects with the Admin role.
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