Insite sends out a variety of notifications to keep you informed of what's happening on your projects as well as other activities in the platform.
Notifications are sent to three places by default. Firstly, if you install the mobile app, they will be sent to your mobile devices. Secondly, they are sent to you via email. Email notifications are sent in batches so as to reduce the number of emails that you receive. Thirdly, they are logged in the platform in the notifications centre.
In this article, you will find a list of all of the notifications and who they are issued to by default.
- Notifications can be turned off. If you are not receiving any of the below notifications or do not wish to receive any of them, please see Notification settings.
- Email notifications can also be disabled, also see Notification settings.
1. Item notifications
Notification trigger | Issued to |
Item is created | Any project collaborators with full access to the list, the list creator and anyone who the item is assigned to |
Item is updated | Any project collaborators with full access to the list, the list creator and anyone who the item is assigned to |
Item status request created | Any project collaborators with full access to the list, the list creator and anyone who the item is assigned to |
Item status is changed | Any project collaborators with full access to the list, the list creator and anyone who the item is assigned to |
Item assigned added | Any project collaborators who are linked to the assignee |
Item unassigned | Any project collaborators who are linked to the assignee |
Status request approved | The collaborator who created the status request |
Status request rejected | The collaborator who created the status request |
Item becomes overdue (sent daily at 06:00 UTC) | The item creator and anyone who the item is assigned to |
2. List notifications
Notification trigger | Issued to |
List created | Any project collaborators who have access to the new list |
List deleted | Any project collaborators that did have access to the deleted list |
You've been given access to a list | The project collaborator who now has access to the list |
All items completed in a list | Any project collaborators who have access to the list |
List status is changed | Any project collaborators who have access to the list |
3. Project notifications
Notification trigger | Issued to |
You've been added to a project | The new project collaborator |
You've been removed from a project | The user who was removed as a project collaborator |
Your project role has been changed | The project collaborator whose role has changed |
You've been linked to an assignee | Any project collaborators who are linked to the assignee that weren't previously |
You've been unlinked from an assignee | The project collaborator who is no longer linked to the assignee |
Someone accepted a project invite | Any project Admin |
4. Report notifications
Notification trigger | Issued to |
Report created (project) | Any project collaborators |
Report created (list) | Any project collaborators who have access to the list |
5. Plan notifications
Notification trigger | Issued to |
You've been added to a plan | The new plan member |
You've been removed from a plan |
The user who was removed as a plan member |
Someone accepted a plan invite | Any plan admin |
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