This article covers filtering and sorting your items so that you can find exactly what you need. You can also search for items by title, description, assignee, location and comment using the search box at the top of the items page.
You can also choose to save your sort order and filter selection against each list so that they are automatically each time you load the list.
- You can reset the filter and sort options to the defaults at any time by tapping Reset filters at the top of the Filter & sort page.
This article covers:
- Sorting items
- Filtering items
- Saving sort order & filters
- Clear saved sort order and filter selection
1. Sorting items
1.1. From the home screen go to Your project. Next, open the list that contains the items you would like to sort.
1.2. You will now be presented with the items for that list.
1.3. Tap the Filter & sort button located on the right-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
1.4. You will now be presented with the Filter & sort page.
1.5. Tap Sort order under the Sort order heading.
1.6. Choose how you would like to sort your items and tap Ok.
1.7. Tap Apply in the top right of your screen and you will return to your list with your items sorted in the order which you chose.
2. Filtering items
2.1. From the home screen go to Your project. Next, open the list that contains the items you would like to sort.
2.2. You will now be presented with the items for that list.
2.3. Tap the Filter & sort button located on the right-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
2.4. You will now be presented with the Filter & sort page. You can now filter your items based upon their Status, Priority, who they are assigned to, which locations they are assigned to, who they were Created by and their Created date.
Note: Advanced feature: When filtering by Assignees and Locations, you can use the Show advanced button to determine how the filter operates. By default, the filter uses Or logic to provide you any items that are assigned to any of the assignees/locations chosen. You can override this to be more specific and use And logic to provide you only with items that are assigned to at least all of the assignees/locations chosen.
2.5. Make your filtering choices.
2.6. Tap Apply in the top right of your screen and you will return to a limited version of your list that shows only the items matching the filters.
3. Saving sort order & filters
Use this feature to save the sort order and filter selection against a list so that they are automatically set the next time you visit that list.
3.1. From the home screen go to Your project. Next, open the list that contains the items you would like to save the sort order and filter selection for.
3.2. You will now be presented with the items for that list.
3.3. Tap the Filter & sort button located on the right-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
3.4. You will now be presented with the Filter & sort page.
3.5. Choose your sort order and filters as per sections 1 & 2 of this article above.
3.7. Switch on the toggle in the footer next to Save sort & filters.
3.8. Tap Apply in the top right of your screen and you will return to your list with your items sorted in the order which you chose. The sort order and filter selection will be saved and automatically applied the next time you open this list.
4. Clear saved sort order and filter selection
4.1. If you want to reset your saved sort order and filter selection so that they do not load when you open the list, go to the list and open the Filter & sort page.
4.2. Switch off the toggle in the footer next to Save sort & filters.
4.3. Tap Apply in the top right of your screen and you will return to your list. The sort order and filter selection will be cleared and when you open this list in the future you will find the items in the default sort order with no filters applied.
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