This article describes two ways of copying and duplicating items. You can either copy items into the same list or copy items to another list or other lists.
This article covers:
1. Copy items into the same list
1.1. Go to the list of the items which you would like to copy.
1.2. Tap the Item Actions button located on the left-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
1.3. Choose Copy items from the menu which pops up. Your items will now move over to the right and reveal their checkboxes.
1.4. Check the items which you would like to copy and tap the ✓ which is now located in place of the Item Actions button on the left-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
1.5. You will now be presented with a new item feed consisting of the duplicated item(s). You can now make any changes to the items. See Update item details.
1.6. When you are done tap the ✓ in the top right of your screen. Your new duplicated items will be added to the list.
2. Copy items to another list
2.1. Go to the list of the items which you would like to copy.
2.2. Tap the Item Actions button located on the left-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
2.3. Choose Copy items to other list from the menu which pops up. Your items will now move over to the right and reveal their checkboxes.
2.4. Check the items which you would like to copy and tap the ✓ which is now located in place of the Item Actions button on the left-hand side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
2.5. You will now be presented with a popover that lists all of the other lists on the project that are available to you. Use the checkboxes to select which list(s) you would like to copy the items into.
2.6. When you are finished selecting the lists to copy the item(s) into, tap Done. The items will now be available in the other lists.
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